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10 Essential Steps to Prepare for Seed Investment

Written by Ryan Shaening Pokrasso | May 6, 2024 12:54:00 PM

Securing seed investment is a pivotal milestone for any startup, marking the transition from idea to execution. As you gear up to attract investors and propel your venture forward, meticulous preparation is key. In this guide, we'll outline the 10 essential steps to prepare for seed investment, ensuring your startup is primed for success.

#1 Conduct a Corporate Audit

Before embarking on the seed investment preparation process, startups typically find themselves at various stages of corporate setup and compliance. Some may have been incorporated through online services like LegalZoom or by attorneys who do not specialize in startups, while others may have established robust practices from the outset. Often, clients approach us seeking assurance that their corporate structure is sound as they gear up for their first round of funding. In response, we conduct comprehensive corporate audits to ensure all legal aspects are in order and aligned with industry standards.

We often draw an analogy likening the process to ensuring a car is in optimal condition before a long journey. When you take your car to a mechanic for a tune-up, they follow a meticulous 40-point checklist to ensure everything is functioning correctly. Similarly, we employ a comprehensive checklist for corporations to ensure they are structured according to best practices, especially for those aiming to secure venture capital funding.

The corporate audit should verify that your company is structured as a Delaware corporation with industry-standard terms, IP is protected, 83(b) Elections are filed, stock is subject to vesting, options and stock were priced correctly and granted inline with required board approvals and formalities, and generally that paperwork aligns with industry best practices. As part of this phase, we can also conduct a commercial audit to review commercial terms used by your startup to get ahead of issues that may arise when your startup goes through due diligence with investors.

#2 Protect Intellectual Property (IP)

In addition to ensuring compliance with corporate structure and financial matters, safeguarding intellectual property (IP) is paramount for early-stage companies seeking seed investment. This involves implementing robust measures to protect proprietary technology and innovations.

One crucial step is ensuring that comprehensive confidentiality and intellectual property assignment agreements for all team members, including founders and contractors, are in place. These agreements ensure that any intellectual property developed for the company is unequivocally owned by the entity, rather than individual contributors. This is vital for instilling investor confidence, as investors prioritize companies with clear ownership of critical technologies.

In addition, startups may consider filing for registered IP protection through patent applications or trademark applications.

By proactively addressing IP protection through robust contractual agreements and formally protecting your IP, startups can enhance their attractiveness to potential investors, demonstrating a commitment to safeguarding valuable assets and mitigating future legal risks.

#3 File 83(b) Elections and Setup Equity Grants for Optimal Tax Treatment

Optimizing for beneficial tax treatment is essential, especially when issuing stock to founders and structuring equity incentives for employees. And ensuring compliance with corporate law and tax regulations is paramount to avoid potential pitfalls in the future.

For equity incentives granted to employees or other stakeholders, it's crucial to follow proper procedures to ensure compliance with corporate laws and tax requirements. This includes accurately determining the fair market value of the equity and adhering to established legal protocols. And for any stock that is subject to vesting (which should typically be the case for founder stock issuances, for example), it is crucial to file 83(b) Elections to ensure optimal tax treatment as the value of the company’s stock increases over time.

In addition, Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS) presents a significant tax advantage for C corporations that meet specific criteria. By qualifying as a qualified small business, companies can designate their stock as QSBS, potentially allowing shareholders to exclude a large portion of their capital gains from federal taxes if the stock is held for at least 5 years. This incentive underscores the importance of strategic tax planning and corporate structuring to maximize benefits for founders and investors alike.

#4 Implement Vesting Schedules

Understanding the concept of vesting is crucial for founders and early-stage employees and advisors in startup ventures. When founders allocate shares among themselves and other team members, it's essential to ensure that the stock is subject to vesting. This means that ownership rights to the shares gradually accrue over time, typically according to a predetermined schedule.

For example, in a standard four-year vesting schedule with a one-year cliff, no shares vest during the first year. Instead, after the initial year, 25% of the shares become vested, and the remaining shares vest on a monthly basis thereafter until the four year mark. This structure incentivizes founders and team members to remain with the company and contribute to its success over the long term.

#5 Establish a Cap Table Management System

Developing a strategy for fundraising involves understanding the impact of dilution and effectively managing the cap table. With the foundational elements in place, it's essential to model out scenarios to grasp how different investment vehicles affect dilution. This includes creating a pro forma cap table to visualize dilution outcomes. 

Implementing a robust cap table management system streamlines the process and enhances efficiency in managing equity ownership. Utilizing a dedicated cap table management platform centralizes data tracking, making it easier to monitor and update ownership details for investors, employees, and stakeholders. This systematic approach simplifies administrative tasks, facilitates transparency, and ensures accuracy in equity management, contributing to smoother fundraising processes and investor relations.

#6 Develop Commercial Agreements

In addition to ensuring the proper setup of the company by taking the steps above, attention must be paid to commercial agreements to mitigate risks that could impact fundraising and intellectual property (IP) ownership. 

It's essential to avoid overly risky terms that could hinder business growth, such as exclusive licensing agreements that limit market opportunities or work-for-hire arrangements that jeopardize IP rights. By navigating these potential pitfalls, startups can safeguard their interests and position themselves favorably for future funding rounds and business expansion.

#7 Ensure Basic Compliance with Data Privacy Laws

Establishing compliance with data privacy laws, such as GDPR for European individuals and California privacy laws, is crucial for startups to protect personal data. It's advisable to integrate these practices into business operations early on to streamline compliance efforts and mitigate potential challenges down the line. 

By proactively addressing data privacy requirements from the outset, startups can ensure adherence to regulatory standards and build trust with customers regarding the handling of their sensitive information.

#8 Model Scenarios for Dilution

When setting target terms for the funding round, it's crucial to strike a balance between raising sufficient capital and maintaining a favorable valuation. While the temptation may be to secure as much funding as possible initially, doing so at a low valuation can lead to significant dilution. 

Instead, focusing on achieving milestones to command a higher valuation can be more beneficial in the long run. The approach varies depending on industry specifics and available valuations, but generally, traction and milestone achievements contribute to securing better valuations.

#9 Develop an Investment Strategy

Craft a comprehensive investment strategy that outlines your fundraising goals, preferred investment structure, and target terms for the round. Gather data to understand the milestones investors will want to see to fund your startup at the seed stage.

After defining the desired terms for funding, the next step is to organize information into structured data rooms. The initial data room contains essential documents, such as financial projections and pitch decks, to present a compelling case to potential investors. It's crucial to maintain transparency by setting realistic financial projections and including prominent disclaimers outlining assumptions and challenges.

While the amount of diligence that investors may do at the seed stage depends on their tolerance for risk and the amount of money they are investing, it is important to be ready to respond to a due diligence request with a comprehensive data room with key legal documents. The diligence request could come after you've received a term sheet or as you receive other indications of interest in your startup from investors.

#10 Prepare for Investor Outreach and Negotiations

In tandem with preparing data rooms, compiling a list of investor targets and securing warm introductions is paramount. Anticipating investor inquiries and focusing on the strength of the team are pivotal. While the idea is essential, investors ultimately assess the team's capability to execute the vision. Extensive pitch practice with trusted advisors and existing investors refines communication skills.

To the extent possible, consolidating your pitches into a cohesive roadshow expedites the outreach process and enables interactions with multiple investors concurrently. This approach enhances leverage, facilitating negotiations and securing optimal investment terms. Upon receiving investment proposals, diligent negotiation ensures alignment with the company's objectives and maximizes value for stakeholders.

By following these 10 essential steps, you can take steps to position your startup for success in the competitive world of seed investment. Remember, meticulous preparation and strategic planning are the keys to securing funding and propelling your venture forward.